17 September 2006

Pope On a Rope

The Pope apologized. Pussy. What did he say anyway? He was QUOTING (that means that he didn’t make it up; somebody else said or wrote it first and he’s saying it sometime later) a dialogue between two men dead since the fourteenth century about how Islam is a violent religion. And the Muslim world’s response to the quote? Burn churches, write legislation to ban the Pope from various countries borders, and kill a nun in a hospital. Wow. At this point, I don’t know which quip to go with, so I will give you both. Pick the one you like best.
a)Way to support the quote, idiots.
b)Was that 14th century guy off-base with his argument!
I’m not a theologist, and I’m not unbiased either. But I don’t think I’m wrong when I say that, as a whole, Islam needs to just chill out a little. I’m a Christian, and I don’t flip out every time I see a piece of wood with a nail in it. Being raised Catholic, I get to hear all the wonderful jokes about priests and altar boys. Am I going out and killing the comedians making the jokes? No! If I don’t find it funny, I don’t laugh. If I don’t like it, I don’t need to listen.

Islamic leaders need to do two things: start promoting dialogue with other faiths and cultures and stop the silent acceptance of extremism.

No doubt I will receive a fatwah for this. See you in the pit, infidels!



Josh Hawkins said...

Islam is a child who throws temper tantrums every day, about every thing. It will grow up, and develop confidence, some day.

Zeepdoggie & GringO said...

Yeah, well, what if Islam is like my sister Barb? Because right now, the world being essentially tolerant and apologetic for "causing" Islam's tantrums is reminiscient of my mom's approach with my sister, who cannot stand on her own two feet and doesn't know the word "responsibility," mostly because it doesn't show up in crosswords but also because it's never been something she had to accept.

Josh Hawkins said...

At some point the rest of the world is going to tell Islam, and force it to deal with it's issues. And that will be a good day. (I also have no doubt that the majority of muslims are fine and reasonable people, they want their kids to have a better life, be happy and free. Sounds like me.) It's just the extremists have hijacked the news, and with it too much of the religion and society. At some point the rest will take it back from the extremists. I'm personally a fan of local democracies to cause that to happen. Once they can spend more time bitching about property taxes, changes to multiunit zoning, and less about Israel, the world will be a better place. Unfortunately right now they can't bitch about those things, so they bitch about everyone else. If nothing else all the oil will dry up and then they'll throw tantrums and no one will care.

Zeepdoggie & GringO said...

All of your points are creditable, sir. I just hope, as I am sure many Muslims do too, that the steam fueling the extremists runs out before the oil under the sand.

Does anybody know what the MidEast looked like in prehistoric times? Where was it, and what was it's flora/fauna? Is there a paleologist in the house?

Zeepdoggie & GringO said...

Paleontolgist is what I meant. Sorry.