Happy Birthday, GringO! He’s twenty-three, everybody! Can you believe it? All growed up, just about. And what do we have to show for it? Well, there are pics from his birthday bash! I only have two, because other folks had cameras, notably Wheels, who will hopefully share the images they have of that night with me so I can share them with you. Here are the pics that I have. Actually, the other pic is too dark, so I guess I just have the one. Aren't we cute?
But what I do have to share with you are some random quotes that came up that night that I feel I should share with you all.
And away we go!
“Everybody’s face looks Asian from far away…”
“I’m bringing my flask to work!”
“Your what?!”
“Oh, I thought you said ‘Flash,’ like your Flash costume.”
“I am not an asshole; I am a dick, because dicks fuck pussies and assholes. If they didn’t, the world would be covered in shit.”
“He called me a Jeffersonian!”
“So, Nietzsche…”
"Yeah…those wacky Germans!”
After that, it all got really drunk.
Happy birthday, GringO! Did you get what you wanted?
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