06 October 2007


Hey everybody! I have a few quick bites about what is in store for you, my loyal readers, in the coming days.

  • Future art teachers have no idea how many classes they have to teach in a day in high school. Zeepdoggie's prediction: none.
  • Two future teachers did not know that FDR was crippled; one of them will be teaching history. Most of the students in this class I am enrolled in did not know how long FDR was in office.
  • When did 'diverse classrooms' come to mean 'no white kids?'
  • Something I did not really know until Thursday: for the current crop of 18-22 year-olds, it is very dangerous and frightening to have a strong opinion about anything.
  • Remember that line in "Fight Club," where Ed says that it's really hard to start a fight with a total stranger?
I am also in the process of figuring out how to set up a .pdf download for you all. I have a longer form story that I'd like to share with you. Push comes to shove, I'll just email it to those that are interested. But we haven't given up hope yet... Bullshit, of course we have. That's why there's no fear, right?

Peace and chicken grease,


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