19 February 2007

For Your Consideration

  • Since I find Maggie Gyllenhaal exceptionally beautiful, does that mean that I would settle for Jake?
  • My brother Zeepjoey has as much self respect as a crack whore. On second thought, maybe less; at least a crack whore has a job.
  • It always bothers me when talentless hacks are famous. I have no talents; where are my millions?
  • Some people are famous now because there wasn't a whole lot going on at the time that they came out. I call this "the Van Morrison Effect." Zeepmomma says I could've called it "the Steve and Edie Effect," but I don't know who the fuck they are. I would probably prefer them to Van, however.
  • Do winos still drink wine exclusively? if they don't, shouldn't we call them something else?
  • Music is a faith; karaoke is a cult.
  • The Beatles are like walking hand in hand in the park on a lovely spring day. The Rolling Stones are like drunkenly fucking in an alley during a full moon.
  • There need to be more midget cover bands. I can see it now: Weetallica; 3'11"; Lovin' Teaspoonful. I could go on and on...
  • I really must stop with the crushes on my professors.
  • I really hope 32 doesn't suck.



Josh Hawkins said...

"Since I find Maggie Gyllenhall exceptionally beautiful, does that mean that I would settle for Jake?"

Jake's a good looking guy. Maggie is just brutal though. And where's the link to the image? I'm disappointed.

"It always bothers me when talentless hacks are famous. I have no talents; where are my millions?"

Those hacks who have millions usually have loads of talent. Not necessarily in what they sell, but it's a great skill nonetheless, and should be respected even if you don't enjoy the work they're selling.

"I really must stop with the crushes on my professors."

Why? If they're hot, they got the personality to match, why not? What you really need to stop doing is getting crushes on them and then lamenting it and not doing squat. That's how you become me.

"I really hope 32 doesn't suck."

That's a decision (note: decision) you have to make.


Zeepdoggie & GringO said...

You prefer Jake to Maggie? Maybe you're going to the wrong dance troupes.

Consider Paris Hilton and then tell me about "loads of talent."

The crushes on the profs have a lot to do with them being cute and cool; they also have a lot to do with being unattainable. Did you ever even listen to Tom?

Sometimes things happen that you did not decide upon that make your year go poorly. You should know; you were there.

And I put linking images up; thanks for the reminder. I'm sure you'll love the one of Jake.

Josh Hawkins said...

Brutal, as in painful to look at because I want her so bad. Nice try, and I do like Jake and his "look at my nipple" pose.

Well personally I don't think Paris's music is good, and her party habits I just find annoying, dull and repetitive. She does have skill at marketing herself and her fame/notority. Tell me how much you make for appearing at a party?

Tom talked to me about the effects addiction have on people and relationships. That and being a hard ass.

I don't believe anything is unattainable if you decide it is attainable, within reason. I'm never going to be an NBA star, too late for that, but I certainly can date the single, charming beautiful, single women I meet. Hey, if you can't date beautiful women, bummer for you.

Last year was bad year for you. This is a new year though. And this year you have the choice of a good year or something else. Step up to the decision, and make it. (Swing batter, batter, batter.)

Thanks for the links, but why no link to my website from your b-day post when you mention "World's greatest photographer"? Do you want me to lose my place on google?

Zeepdoggie & GringO said...

Perhaps describing beautiful women as "brutal" might not be the best use of the adjective. Just sayin'. It does make me curious for what you'd call an ugly woman.

I'm sorry I didn't put the link it, but I fixed it. Can't have google (or your ego) lose any hits for the title.

Josh Hawkins said...

I could say "Maggie is so phat!" But somehow that seems worse. Maybe we just need to accept that the English language and all it's slang makes for a highly versatile and sometimes imprecise working body.


Zeepdoggie & GringO said...

About the last word; I guessed you answered my earlier question about listening to Tom...

Zeepdoggie & GringO said...

And I think that Mini-Kiss should change their name to "Peck."