She thinks I am making this up to get a day off? She’s calling me a liar? I am the guy who took on extra hours for the floor sets. I am the guy who gives up going to church when I want to so that she can have an opener on Sunday, when I would much rather work on Saturday. I came to work directly after my uncle’s memorial service.
She thinks I am making up that my puppy is in pain?

If it weren’t for the fact that the good job is seasonal, I would have quit today.
I suppose, that for a bitch who has no problem bullying people into situations that are bad for them but good to her, intimating someone being a liar is no big deal. After all, if you have no honor, how can you understand the damage you do when you insult someone who does possess a sense of rightness and self respect? If she did any of the things she does for the betterment of society, I would just deal with it. But retail does not better society; it damages it. It inflicts wounds on people that don’t heal.
Perhaps, since she has done nothing else with her life besides this, she cannot understand those of us who do. We who grow are as confusing and as mysterious to her as faith is to an atheist.
If it weren’t for the fact that she is an unlovable twat, I could almost pity her. But pity has never been my strong suit, so she can go suck a crooked dick and take the diseased wad right in the eye.

It's okay, puppy; Daddy's not going anywhere.
poor puppy. sick pets pull at my heart strings. having to take care of them comes first, every time. it is just the way it is, especially when they are your children because your actual human children haven't found a way into this world just yet. you got it right russ!
and btw is your bosses name Cob or Bob? or have i just confused myself?
My boss's "name" is actually an abbreviation of sorts; since it includes the name of the company I work for, I can't broadcast what it stands for. Also, common decency demands that I never actually utter what the "c" stands for.
If that doesn't give it away, I don't know what does.
aw,i'm sorry about your baby. i have a human baby i love more than anything, but i still feel worse for our dogs if they're sick. i can use language to explain to the little human why she's hurting, but doggie's on his own.
hmm, bet you found THAT comforting. sorry! hope she's better soon.
Ouch! Poor puppy. Our baby had to have double knee surgery 2 yrs ago and we had to carry her around in a sling for 6 wks. It was agonizing to see her in pain. I totally know where you're coming from.
There's some people who don't see that she's part of your family. They think "oh, it's just a dog" so they don't understand.
This was a while ago, so I hope she's doin better.
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