14 November 2007

I Blew Out My Sequitr Sequencer

I have no problem with my source of food being ugly. I wouldn’t kiss a pig, but I’d slather it in applesauce.

The first person to eat shellfish was starving.

What the fuck is wrong with a man who leaves his love when she needs him most?

“You’ll find her when you’re not looking.” I have heard this several times from several, very different women. This statement alone just proves how little women know about men, and just how differently our brains have been programmed to function. We are always looking, ladies. Always; on the train, at work, after work, in bars, in cars, with green eggs and ham. We look, we hunt, we stalk, we seek, and we track you. I can think of only two periods in my life where I wasn’t looking, and that is quite a low number amongst my peers. And only women would think that passivity is the way to solve a problem. Advice to ladies: don’t say that to a guy; don’t sit around and wait for a goddamned thing, because the only thing that is sure to come is death.

One of the best things to see is a total stranger realize that s/he has just shit his/her pants.

A cure for my sporadic insomnia: I had a brief but good conversation with Professor Hottie after class, and I slept like a baby last night. She really is pretty.

The GringO and I are working on a book. Interested? Let us know and maybe we’ll put some of it up on the bloggy-blog-thing. We will be selling it, since it’s not free, and you can’t live off of what you can kill in Chicago.

A reason it is awesome to be a guy: the world is your urinal.

If you don’t know who Taylor Mali is, just know that every English teacher in America thinks of him as their Superman. Check him out.

Professional wrestling is as gay as three guys wearing chaps blowing four guys wearing fairy wings.

Speaking of gay: the coolest thing I saw this Halloween was a couple dressed as Quicksilver and The Flash. It is most definitely my favorite couple-themed costume set EVER.

I really like the shoes I wore yesterday. They’re comfy and they make my feet look like dinner rolls. My shoes look like the shoes Bill Watterson draws.



Susie Quarstad said...

first of all i want to say i really like this blog, it is probably my favorite of yours thus far...for the randomness of it.

second, do you really believe being single is a problem? i mean i have been fairly single for my entire life; give or take the few bouts i have had giving being a couple a try and the only problems i have had are being two instead of one. i guess what i am trying to get at is that maybe needing to meet the right one person is an illusion. i mean who decided that this is the only way to be happy? i get really tired of people seeming sorry for me because i am in my thirties and single. but the jokes on them, i am happy, and everything i have has been acquired on my own, so i am proud, for that part of my life at least. i am not telling you not to look, i am wondering if you have ever tried not to care? to just sit back and enjoy yourself and many people will come in and out of your world for your entire lifetime.
i have found for me, the less i expect from anything the more i can enjoy what i get out of it. when i expect, disappointment ensures....
and i am not saying i have everything or anything figured out by any means, just maybe i could give you a different way to look at things for a moment.

i'll get off my soapbox now.

i would love to get a look at these dinner roll shoes.

Zeepdoggie & GringO said...

I'm just saying that passivity doesn't solve problems, in a general sort of way.
I don't like being single. It's not for me. Some folks like strawberry jam on their PB&J's; some like grape jelly. But I always suspect those that claim marmalade. Who are you, Paddington Bear?

My favorite posts are GringO's, bar none. Of mine, I like "For Your Consideration," which is random and you might like that, and "And Knowing is Half the Battle," cuz it's about GI Joe.
