01 June 2006

School's In for Summer!

I am the anti-Alice Cooper. Summer School, yay! 489 with good ol' Tony. I like his classes, at least so far. Any class being conducted by someone with experience teaching is always going to be a good class. Mh, V, & Mg are in the class too! This will be fun. And it wouldn't be a class with Tony unless the big O didn't walk in late!
And there is a teacher in here with us as well. A teacher Van Halen no doubt wrote a song about. She is J, and she is quite pretty. Most likely, quite attached. Pretty and 30 generally mean married or attached. I know my luck.
No ring, though...
486 is good too. This is my first experience with the Big D, and I hear good things. I hope he doesn't disappoint. Mh & V are here too! It's like a cohort! Double the fun!

I hope school is a good distraction. I figure with this and two jobs, I should be okay: M shouldn't pop up too much in my brain. But if I know myself, I'll figure out a way to screw that plan up. The Library only lasts until the 6th of June, so I will be down one distraction. But I won't have to work with Ellen, which may help as well.

I am really not good with down time. It brings me too down. I get bored, I turn inward, I get upset. The three steps to continued turmoil. So, keep busy, keep social and keep away from myself. Smiley icons all the way!

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