I'm on the Blue Line monday, going to work, when we stop at Western. We have to wait for five minutes, the driver says, "because of a delay behind us."
(Scooby imitation) Baroo?
I am convinced I heard this wrong, as are most of the rest of us on the train. But ninety seconds later comes this announcement, and I quote: "We apologize for the inconvenience, but we must wait for the delay behind us to clear before continuing. Once the delay behind us is taken care of, we will continue our forward motion."
Now we all want to know just what the fuck is going on back there that would keep us from going forward on clear tracks. Is it something cool? Are we missing a show or something? Two genuinely hot lesbians fooling around by the third rail? Are monkeys involved? The announcement is vague! Tell us, please!
That statement pretty much sums up what is wrong with the CTA. They can't move forward without worrying about what is going on behind them; walking forwards while looking backwards. I used to think the opposite of progress was Congress, but now I know it's the CTA; Can't Take it Anywhere.
If there was any doubt about the baby boomers being the "me generation" or that there was a limit to their self-aggrandizement, I invite you to this Times article. No wonder the hippies sold out, and double no wonder nothing got done except more of the same division and classism with these assholes in charge of the world these last thirty years. Simpering, whining, self-absorbed pricks; the types who elect W on the basis that they'll get a check for $400 and a promise that he won't let your son go queer (your daughter, on the other hand, now that's hot). Thanks to them we get to live in fear and consumerism, with little choice about it.
The greatest generation will be the one coming up. The generation that's cool with homosexuality and stem cell research; the generation that's being taught that the system doesn't care so you'd better care; the generation with all this technology at their disposal without any of the fear of it; the generation that recognized that political correctness is one of the best divisive tools ever created by the upper class; this is going to be one hell of a world when they're done with it.
My summer school is over, and I am sad. It was very fun in both of my classes and I really like both of my professors. One of my papers was about the benefits of blogs in the classroom. It was a random inspiration, brought on by my experience and by this lovely grad student, whom I've met once, but read a hundred times. Thanks to everyone I met in class this summer, you were all fantastic. KIT, everybody! (insert girlie giggle here)
Thanks again to Al, this time for the internet version of half a white Valium, as he put it.
I almost widdled with joy at the the series of pics with the white kittten and the mastiff.
Lately, I have been typing triple letters when I mean to type double. This sucks, because it's just one more typo that I have to police for the rest of my life. They are, in order of greatest occurence: "teh"="the"; "i"=I"; switching the a and u in "because"; and now the triple-double thing. Sheesh. The Navy spent a ton of money so I can commit those typos with alarming regularity. I can just imagine my computer talking with other computers;
"You think your owner is dumb? At least he can spell 'the.'"
I was hoping it would rain more today. I was looking forward to a quasi-Noah experience.
There is only one rendition of the Noah story, and that is told by Eddie Izzard. If you haven't heard it, try and get a listen in. If you have, well then, you already know, dontcha?
I quit the English accent at work a while ago. I never mentioned stopping it. I'm sorry, but it got too taxing mentally. Of course, I didn't swear nearly as much at work as I do now. Maybe I didn't have enough reason to.
Off to lunch is what I am about right now. Hopefully something interesting will happen and you will then be entertained either by my capricious wit or nadir-less stupidity. I'll tell Asshole you say hi.
(que fade up of "Thank You" by The Ohio Players)
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