12 July 2006

Old and Bold on the Quad

It's interesting being the old man in the college class. Age gives you prespective, doesn't it? As well as randomly sore joints and the inability to trust a fart.
But I digress. Being over thrity and in college is great. I truly don't see how the young 'uns can handle it. You remember what it was like, those of you that did it. Every day came shrink-wrapped in a brand new crisis, be it a paper that remains unwritten, or dirty laundry that says you're not paying your half of the rent. Professors who just...don't...care abound! Emergencies galore!
But not for us old folks. No, we don't have emergencies on college campuses. Sure, there are trials and tribulations, but nothing I would call an emergency. Of course, I may be a bit jaded. After you've fought a fire onboard a submarine, most everything else in life doesn't seem like an emergency.
But still, I pity the youngsters. This is, after all, their first taste of real adulthood. Making a choice and really having to deal with the consequences on your own is scary, especially if you've never done it before. So, to all those my age and older, next time you see a young, stressed college student, give her or him a break. And a stiff drink. If it's a her (or him, whatever creams your Twinkie), maybe a backrub would be nice, too.

Also, when the post comes along that has me bitching about the whiny little babies running around the campus like mad, rabid chickens, please have the decency to temporarily forget about this little post.


Anonymous said...

My 36-year-old brother just finished his Bachelor's this past May. He *loved* being the sage on campus and loved the leg-up on building relationships with his professors.

The flip side is that he looks *really* young and was often asked what dorm he lived in. That, apparently, never got old.

Zeepdoggie & GringO said...

Yeah, I get the dorm question, along with the whole, "you're not really that old, are you?" I haven't been hittingg people as much when I get that response. I think I'm growing as a person.

ginger said...

Starting at Triton when I was twenty-one was the worst. I was ready and determined and to be mixed in my English classes with 18 year olds was so so frustrating. However, its probably because I had (and still have) an opinion for everything.

Don't worry, it's almost over for you old man.

Zeepdoggie & GringO said...

Just a skosh over a year and I will be done dealing with teenagers in college and dealing with teenagers in high school.

Can i legitimately call that progress?

ginger said...

Yes, because after student teaching you will be paid for doing it. And at the same time changing / bettering the world while you're at it.