Nicotine is the smell
of my new rage.
If you light that,
I want to say,
on this stop,
I will
kill you.
And I could
I so could
my hands are itching
to drive your head into the first
No Smoking/Fumar Prohibido sign
that I can find.
I don’t share my cancers with you;
I keep my poisons to myself.
Do you see me
showing you the things I see
that make me beg for blindness?
How the world’s constant barrage
of its message of nothing
and nothing and nothing and
make me listen to my music
so loudly
that my ears ring for hours,
for days,
for my life?
Do I share the scent of the air
that makes my stomach
pull itself free of my body,
purging while I gag?
This life gives me tumors
and inoperable.
No chemo
and no soft bed for the last
choking breath;
that you’ll have.
I just get to sit here
while you shit here
and share your death with you
and keep mine all mine.
It's how societies treat the little rules, the ones that are written for the concern of others, that tell you about the societies. How they're followed and how they're enforced.
I can't figure out what is more frustrating: the guy smoking while LEANING AGAINST THE POST with the above sign on it, or the four CTA workers who have to be reminded that it's against the fucking law that Captain Cancer is smoking.
Of course, I may also be angry about something else, classically displacing any aggression or anxiety on an outside agent.
Still, the sign says "No Smoking." Asshole.
How is my second husband these days?
Congratulations on figuring out who I am! You're like a sexy Sherlock Holmes... Did someone let you in on the secret, or did your husband hack into some mainframe and determine my identity?
I am doing, despite my best efforts, well. Today was rough and I got a big old shock of disappointment, but that is how it tends to roll around here. How are you, the baby and the Notorious D doing?
We're doing well! I'm so glad I found you! Yay! Internet friends! Yay!
We should totally catch some coffee sometime. Oh wait, I live in Siberia. Well, if you're ever in Siberia, do call. I can always use coffee.
Sorry today was rough--mayhap it's a full moon. That would explain a whole ton. There's always tomorrow...
And I found you easily, actually. There is a link to your blog from my own, which my blogmate must have put up. I can't work computers.
Yay! New friend! Yay!
Well, now that you've found me, I guess I can't get away...
Just kidding! I am all about the "Yay! Internet Friend! Yay!" too!
If you can get a hold of anyone who knows me, you can get my email address and we can send email, since I forgot where in Siberia (or Suburbia, I forget which is less accessible to me) you live, and such things over the WWW are very sketchy. You never know, coffee might not be totally impossible. I am an avid cyclist, you know. Who has a shit-ton of free time coming up.
Yay! Email! I shall attempt your email address, and you may attempt mine. It's actually fairly straightforward.
And yes, the Internet knows more than it should about me already, ergo I shall not divulge anything actually pertinent (I so totally misspelled that. BECAUSE I'M AWESOME!)
I would love some coffee, or drinkies, or whatever sometime. I heart new friends (especially those willing to trek to Siberia, or St. Charles, whatever is closer).
St. Charles! Holy fuckballs, what did I get myself into? I will consult my bike path map. I know I can get to Elgin, and to Hillside, in an hour... I shall consult my map. When I get a route, I will visit you all and meet your charming little rugrat.
We would be thrilled to have you come out. Ben will be even more thrilled if you can play Zelda with him!
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