25 August 2006

Hot Wheels

I finally did it! I got myself a new bike! In silver, jut like Kevin Bacon in that bike movie that was so implausible that I noticed plot holes in it when I first saw it, and I was nine. But my God is the bike fast! From UIC to my place in 25 minutes! The lights were with me, and I had a good wind at my back, but still... My fastest time before that was 40 minutes. I am in love. What should I name her?

Oh, and if you need a bike, go to Kozy's. They have an awesome staff, and have some really good prices, especially now. You guys know I don't shill, so trust me when I say that this place is awesome.

Im going riding! Until I get back, no streets or sidewalks are safe from my rampaging speed.


1 comment:

Zeepdoggie & GringO said...

Since I received no sugggestions, I am going with Sylvia, or Sylvie for short.