19 August 2006

Where's Freud when you need him? Probably snorting coke...

I keep having this dream. I just had it on Thursday night, so I am striking while the iron is hot here. I’ve been having it since I was little, before I was even interested in girls, which would make it since before I was ten, probably around five. One day I will share the story about how I was introduced to the congress between the sexes, but it’s about the dream right now, dammit!

Anyway, so this dream. I never remember it fully, just little snippets and images.
But I always wake up feeling safe and warm. But then I’m conscious and reality comes crashing in and I feel like shit.
I also would like to note that listening to people describe dreams can border on the brutally boring; for this I apologize. I just need to get this out there.

In the dream, I am scared, or I am lost. No one is around, or if there are people around, they are strangers. I am certainly not in grave danger, but I feel very uneasy.

A woman appears. I never remember exactly what she looks like, but she has dark hair and light eyes; blue or maybe green, but never brown, or any crazy kind of color. And she says something; it’s different every time and I can’t tell you what her voice sounds like, but it soothes me and makes me feel like being open. She smiles and things become okay. She sometimes holds my hand or hugs me, and I am pretty sure she’s kissed me, but no more than that. I usually wake up when we start walking somewhere.

Now I know I have a HUGE weakness for women with dark hair, and a MASSIVE weakness for ladies with dark hair and light colored eyes. I’m not entirely sure if it’s from this dream or not, but I’m willing to say it is. I haven’t ever gone more than a month without having this dream. In the past, if I was dating someone who had dark hair and light eyes, she would not replace whoever the girl was in the dream. Maybe they did, and I don’t remember it that way.

So, for the dream experts out there, is it odd to have the same dream for over 25 years? And can anyone help to decipher this dream? I’d really like to know what it means, if it means anything at all.


1 comment:

ginger said...

The elusive dream of comfort and security, and in this case from a woman.

I dunno, that just seems like the obvious one. But hey, what do I know.